Welcome Rescale

June 28, 2017
The asc(s likes to welcome Rescale™ - the global leader for enterprise big compute on the multicloud.

Rescale offers industry-leading software platforms and hardware infrastructure for companies to perform scientific and engineering simulations. Rescale's mission is to provide highly powerful simulation platforms that empower the world's engineers, scientists, developers, and CIO and IT professionals to design innovative products, develop robust applications, and transform IT into unified, agile environments.

Founded in early 2011 by Joris Poort and Adam McKenzie, Rescale has quickly become the leading simulation and HPC solution provider. Rescale is located in the heart of San Francisco and brings the latest Silicon Valley technology to customers around the world. Rescale's team consists of industry thought leaders, computer scientists, and domain experts.For more information on Rescale, visit www.rescale.com.