1st simpulseday greenCAE
For a whole day the focus was not on the sports cars usually associated with the name of this town, but on simulation methods for “green” mobility solutions in the fields of lightweight construction, alternative drive systems and autonomous driving, and also on data analytics and high-performance computing.
The audience enjoyed a symposium with outstanding keynote speakers as well as expert lectures from Daimler, Opel, Honda, Altair, Fraunhofer and KIT in two parallel sessions. These were further enriched by interactive sessions, in which drivers, chances and obstacles were derived in mind maps. The breaks were used by the participants for networking or a visit to the accompanying specialist exhibition by the sponsors Altair, Cray, carhs, DYNAmore, Dynardo and Lasso.
“The concept of this entirely new event underlines the unique character of a collaboration of different expert partners from virtual vehicle development. Here, car manufacturers, suppliers, independent software & hardware vendors, engineering service providers and scientists meet each other as equals, discuss future challenges and work out solutions together. This is an important contribution to active technology transfer and the competitiveness of our members,” opined Alexander F. Walser, managing director of the asc(s. Furthermore, the event laid the foundation stone for a greenCAE strategy, which will be followed up by the members of the asc(s in another simpulseday in early 2017. This strategy will serve as a road map for future projects and is meant to serve as a mental guide rail for all the activities of the asc(s in the years to come.
The complete press release is available for download here.