asc(s at DSC 2015 Europe
The goal of OpenSCENARIO is to establish a software-independent format to facilitate the exchange of simulation contents among different simulation tools. A mindmap is already available, containing parameters to describe vehicles, pedestrians, environment conditions, maneuvers and routes as well as the attitude and behaviour of the driver. The attributes have been gathered according to the requirements of the car manufacturers and OpenDRIVE® users. Beside asc(s, VIRES and HLRS, Porsche, Daimler and Opel are participating in OpenSCENARIO.
asc(s shared the booth with HLRS, who presented their open source tool to genetate roadsystems using OpenDRIVE® specification, the ODDLOT. The 1st OpenSCENARIO technical meeting will be held together with the 8th OpenDRIVE® user meeting on October 15th, 2015 in Stuttgart.