Welcome to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Remlinger

April 1, 2023
We welcome Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Remlinger as a new member.

In July 2020, the chair 'Interior Design Engineering' was founded under the direction of Prof. Remlinger was founded. It forms a new department of the Institute for Construction Technology and Technical Design (IKTD) at the University of Stuttgart. The research focus is on the user-friendly layout and technical design of vehicle interiors of all kinds and their components. The work holistically takes into account all relevant requirements from the areas of technology, ergonomics and design. The research focuses on the topics of 'Integration and possible uses of new technologies in vehicle interiors', 'Innovative computer-aided and model-based design methods' and 'Interior design for highly automated and networked vehicles'. Before his appointment at the University of Stuttgart, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Remlinger worked in the automotive industry for many years. While studying mechanical engineering with a specialisation in vehicle technology at RWTH Aachen University, he worked in the 'Cockpit Citybus' project on the ergonomic redesign of today's standard driver's workplace in public buses.In his professional career, he first worked as a concept developer for ergonomic interior and overall vehicle design at AUDI AG. He was significantly involved in the design of several model generations of the car manufacturer and designed the operating concept for the Multi-Media Interface (MMI), which was used in the vehicles for 20 years. In 2006, he moved to the TU Munich as a research assistant, where he developed the simulation functions in the 'RAMSIS cognitive' project for the widely used ergonomics simulation tool and completed his doctorate in the field of vehicle ergonomics in 2013. In 2010, he returned to Audi and coordinated the topics of simulation experienceability, virtual reality and driving simulation for automated driving in simulation method development.



University Stuttgart 
Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart

Room: 1.204

Phone: +49 (0) 711 / 685 - 66061 & - 66062
Web: https://www.iktd.uni-stuttgart.de/institut/team/Remlinger/