Market launch of Rescale Insight

June 24, 2020
Rescale Inc. announced the general availability of Rescale Insight, the industry’s first comprehensive business management solution for high performance computing (HPC).

For the first time,Rescale Insight empowers the CFO, CIO, and CTO with in-depth controls to meet financial,security, and architectural requirements.


Growth in HPC spend is outpacing overall IT budgets, with HPC’s 5-year CAGR exceedingtwice the overall IT market. Despite HPC budgets reaching millions of dollars, managing spendeffectively without stifling R&D has historically been difficult. Legacy management tools arefocused on infrastructure utilization rates, but lack any knowledge of the applications, businessand financial goals.


Rescale Insight is built on a fully managed HPC platform with data for over 400 applications, soit can provide analytics on software license usage, detailed hardware architecture performance,and budget usage. Full stack control helps IT leaders ensure compliance and security.Economic transparency and policy-based financial controls enable business leaders to minimizecost. Rescale’s serverless architecture ensures that customers only pay for what they use.Rescale Insight’s industry-first multi-cloud AI-driven recommendation engine ensuresapplications are matched with the best price/performance architectures in real-time.


Industry leaders including Aerion Supersonic and Bionano Genomics have taken advantage ofRescale Insight’s business management to harness the power of HPC in the cloud whilemaintaining compliance and control.


“Rescale gives us compliance, control and economic visibility with the best of the cloud, allowingus to work quickly, efficiently and in parallel with each other,” said Bissell Smith, CIO & EVP atAerion Supersonic. “Cloud computing is a fundamental part of Aerion's long-term strategy. Ifcompliance isn't met, the consequences for the company, employees, and even the country canbe severe, so we take it very seriously.”



Unprecedented Transparency and Control to Run HPC as a Business Service

By exposing project-level usage data and mapping them to business initiatives, Rescale Insightenables engineers or scientists to securely use the resources they need, while helping CxOsmeet enterprise-wide IT financial, compliance and security policies.

Rescale Insight includes the following features:

  • Financial controls - Enables budget monitoring, alerting, and enforcement, helping togive business leaders visibility into the value and impact of HPC jobs.
  • Security and access controls - Provides granular controls over users, access, softwareversions and workflows to meet compliance and security requirements.
  • Multi-team controls - Enables secure and shared workspaces for better engineeringcollaboration inside and between companies.
  • Software and software license controls - Enables IT teams to manage their applicationportfolios to ensure projects efficiently use the right license at the right time.
  • Infrastructure architecture controls - Defines enterprise policies on which architecturescan be used by which teams to maximize cost/performance or simulation throughput.

“As customers move HPC workloads to the cloud, and the cloud is managed by CxOs, itexposes the need for mainstream security, architectural, and financial controls,” said EdwardHsu, VP Product at Rescale. “Rescale Insight helps our customers enforce enterprise ITcontrols while empowering engineering teams with the cloud’s scale and latest architectures toaccelerate new product innovations.”



Industry’s First AI Engine Matches Business Need to Best Cloud Infrastructure


 Rescale also announced the Technology Preview of the industry’s first HPC application-awareAI engine to match compute workloads to the best available infrastructure and configuration. Bymapping business objectives to data gathered running HPC workloads and performancebenchmarks in the cloud for over eight years, this AI engine eliminates time spent tuning andtesting hardware, so end-users can focus on running workloads that accelerate new productinnovations.


“Hybrid and multi-cloud are built into Rescale’s architecture,” said Adam McKenzie, CTO atRescale. “More than half of our customers are running workloads on two or more cloudproviders, taking advantage of the best each cloud provider has to offer and complementingon-premise capabilities without adding complexity to their workflows.”



About Rescale:

Rescale is the leader in enterprise big compute in the cloud. Rescale empowers the world’stransformative executives, IT leaders, engineers, and scientists to securely manage productinnovation to be first to market. Rescale’s multi-cloud platform, built on the most powerfulhigh-performance computing infrastructure, seamlessly matches software applications with thebest cloud or on-premise architecture to run complex data processing and simulations. For moreinformation on Rescale, visit .



Rescale, Inc.

Nikola Strah

Phone.: +49 176 7016 1880