Virtual Testing for Improved Safety and Performance of Electric Vehicles
The asc(s also participated in the event with a booth in the exhibition and presented latest technology and activities. Furthermore the asc(s held a session titled “simpulseday Virtual Testing for Improved Safety and Performance of Electric Vehicles” on 17 April. The exclusive group of participants consisted of representatives of Porsche, Audi, ESI and Virtual Vehicle and they derived challenges, barriers and chances in terms of safety and performance of electric vehicles. They looked into detail which new development tasks / components move to the center of a virtual development process to ensure safety and performance. Then they analyzed the demand for components, which lacks or need for improvement they consider and which approach should be pursued. The session showed that there is still a lot of research work to do for industry and science in order to improve simulation methods. The asc(s is going to review the results of the session and will initiate possible projects.