2024-10-01 Welcome Thierry Clemot


Welcome Thierry Clémot 

We are thrilled to welcome Thierry Clémot  as a new member of the ASCS community! Thierry Clémot ’s company creates 3D environments for cars simulators. Real environments are created from high accuracy 3D Laser Scan. Available quickly, our 100 km urban model “CITY” allows us to create every exercices needed in fictive environments. Today, our models are used by cars manufactures in the US, Asia or Europe, what about you? Don’t hesitate to consult the database catalog on thierryclemot.com


Thierry Clémot 

3 rue du 11 novembre 1918 

72200 La Fleche 


Web: www.thierryclemot.com
E-mail contacts@thierryclemot.com

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